Is Your Pure Water too Pure to be Healthy?

We all know that good clean water is essential for our health and vitality but we are now all too familiar with the images of our ‘single-use’ plastic bottles and the harm they are doing to our environment. As a result, purifying your tap water at home is becoming an increasingly sensible and popular alternative to buying bottled water and throwing away the bottle.
The funny thing is that although bottled water has been popular in the UK since the 1980’s, it is significantly more cost-effective, much friendlier to the environment and probably healthier to purify the water yourself and use a refillable bottle. But, did you know that some forms of ‘pure water’ are actually not great for your body nutritionally?
Read on for details on how to choose the best pure water system for you and your family…
Ultimate pure H2O is demineralised, acidic water.
That doesn’t sound great does it, but what does it mean?
No matter which water company you’re with in the UK, your tap water originates in a very natural way via rainfall, snow, rivers, lakes etc. During this process, the water naturally absorbs healthy minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium and others. All of these minerals are crucial in contributing to nutrient mineral intake, especially for infants and young children. The health requirements for these naturally occurring minerals in our bodies is why many bottled water companies choose ‘mineral water’ or similar in their marketing.
Water companies that produce residential tap water also add certain chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride in order to prevent bacterial outbreaks. However many people prefer to drink water which is devoid of these added chemicals for smell, taste and general health reasons. This is where water filtration and purification (yes they are two separate things) becomes relevant and necessary.
However when tap water undergoes processes such as Reverse Osmosis or Distillation, it is in effect stripped to its most basic chemical properties – 2 parts Hydrogen, 1 part Oxygen – and becomes demineralised.
Here is what The World Health Organisation (W.H.O) says about ‘pure’ (demineralised) water…
The W.H.O. issued a report in the 1980’s ( ) to recommend that demineralised water should contain minimum quantities of certain minerals such as calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate ions, dissolved salts and more. They concluded that demineralised water “has a definite adverse influence on the animal and human organism.”
Their findings on demineralised water by the W.H.O were as follows:
Demineralised or “pure” water is aggressive to the extent where it can leach metals and chemicals from plumbing pipework. It is therefore unhealthy to drink it over a prolonged period.
A horrible taste due to the acidity and low pH alkalinity of the water.
Loss of key natural minerals from the water would affect anyone who drinks water as part of a balanced diet.
The aggressive nature of demineralised water also affects hydration in a big way – in that when the acidic water enters the body it often leaches the natural minerals from the body which are then excreted quickly via sweat or urine. So, not only does it not give you benefits but it also has an additional detrimental effect. Drinking mineralised water however, allows these nutrients to be absorbed by the body as part of the hydration process.
What is the best way you can purify water?
Reverse osmosis systems are a popular choice and method of purifying drinking water at home, but if you’re like me and prefer the full health benefits of mineralised water for the whole family, water purifier cartridges/filters are the best choice. There are various countertop and in-line filters and available throughout the UK and they will all filter contaminants from your water, whilst maintaining high levels of the minerals your body needs within the water.
Certain filters even enhance the pH value of the water for improved taste and adsorption of these minerals and their cartridges can be replaced every 6 months if you wish, OR there are long life purifiers can last up to 5 years before replacing.
We like to call these ‘fit-and-forget’ purifiers. These long-life purifier cartridges offer the same or greater mineral benefits but you’ll also find they offer:
- Value for Money – best £/litre value (less than 1p per litre of water vs >30p in shops).
- Hassle-Free Maintenance – replacing a cartridge every 3 – 5 years rather than every 6 months.
- Higher Flow Rates – higher flow rates are more practical when filling jugs, glasses and pots in the kitchen.
- Environmental benefits – less waste going to landfill.
Remineralised pure water is your “best of both”
Some water purifiers are therefore designed to remove 99% of added chemicals and contaminants, as well as trace heavy metals whilst also remineralising the water with naturally occurring trace minerals. Some water purifiers even go further than that by killing certain water-borne bacteria and maintaining a bacteriostatic environment within the water purifier. This purified tap water is therefore significantly better than pure H2O in many ways, and can still be consumed whilst on the go.
Ditch the bottled supermarket water and drink mineralised pure water at home – It’s cheaper, better for the environment and as we’ve discovered, ultimately its better for you and your family!
Click here for a range of UK water purifiers which tick ✓ this box.